Personas Tab

Personas Tab

As a tenant administrator, you can access the settings and personas section to create a persona. I will provide detailed instructions on enabling and configuring the persona, adding administrators and managers, defining the necessary fields, setting expiration rules, and associating members with the persona. It's important to note that assigning administrators and managers to personas confers varying permissions and visibilities.

Creating a new personas

Steps to create new persona

  1. Click on the "Persons" tab under settings.

  2. Click on the "Add Persona" button to open the persona form.

  3. On add persona form you are prompted to enter below details - 

    1. Label - The label represents the persona's name.

    2. Description - A persona description can be incredibly valuable as it provides a concise overview and rationale for the persona's intended use.

    3. Make Active? - This checkbox enables the persona when checked. Only active personas can be assigned to members. When the status of a persona is changed from active to inactive, all existing assignments will be removed.

    4. Administrators - The administrator has the authority to supervise other administrators and managers linked to this persona, update its value, and assign it to members.

    5. Managers - Managers have the ability to update this person's value and assign these personas to members.

    6. Schema (Add Field) - Persona has its own set of fields defined in the schema that can be added to capture details while associating members .

    7. Maximum Days to Expire - When setting an expiration date for a member assignment, this represents the maximum number of days in the future that can be assigned.

    8. Default Expiration Days - The default number of days to set the expiration for new member assignments is established here.

    9. Require expiration? - If checked, a member assignment must always include an expiration date; otherwise, it will be considered inactive.

    10. Force default expiration? - If applicable, the assignment's expiration will always default to the specified expiration days, including renewals.


  4. Click on Save button or Save Icon to create the persona.

  5. Now, persona will be created and confirmation message will be shown.

Configuring the Persona

Follow below steps to configure a persona

  1. Click anywhere on the persona card on the Personas tab.

  2. Persona details page will be displayed.

  3. Modify or configure the field based on your requirements.

  4. Click on the "Save" button or the "Save" icon to preserve the modifications.

  5. After clicking the save button, a confirmation message will be displayed, and the persona will be updated.

Defining Schema Fields for Persona

Follow steps to configure schema fields for persona

  1. Click anywhere on the persona card on the Personas tab.

  2. Persona details page will be displayed.

  3. Click on "Add Field" picklist under the Schema section to include the available fields from the picklist.

  4. Selected field will be shown on the persona detail page under schema section.

  5. By clicking on the delete icon, we can remove the selected field from the persona detail page.

  6. Click on the "Save" button or the "Save" icon to preserve the modifications.

  7. After clicking the save button, a confirmation message will be displayed, and the persona will be updated.

Archive or Delete Persona from Persona Tab

When a persona is no longer usable, the Admin has the option to archive it. An archived persona will not be accessible on any page in the Yunibas application, but its details will still remain in the database. When a persona is archived all the associated members will be disassociated form that persona. The Admin holds the authority to either restore or permanently delete the persona. Restored personas will be displayed on the persona tab, but they will appear in an inactive state. Administrators have the ability to modify a restored persona and reactivate it. Deleting a persona results in the removal of its details from the database.

Steps to Archive a Persona

  1. Click on the “Archive“ button on the persona card on Persona tab.

  2. Confirmation pop up will be shown on clicking Archive button.

  3. Click on the “Confirm“ button to archive the Persona.

  4. Persona will be archived and confirmation message will be shown.

Steps to Delete a field

  1. Click on the “Show Archived“ toggle on the Persona tab.

  2. List of all archived field will be shown.

  3. Click on the “Delete“ button to delete the Persona.


  4. Confirmation pop up will be shown on clicking delete button.

  5. Click on confirm button to delete the schema field.

  6. Field delete message will be shown on delete the schema field.


Restore Persona

Upon restoring the Persona, the persona card will be displayed on the Yunibas application on Persona tab, but they will appear in an inactive state. Administrators have the ability to modify a restored persona and reactivate it.

Steps to Restore Persona

  1. Click on the “Show Archived“ toggle on the Persona tab.

  2. List of all archived field will be shown.

  3. Click on the “Restore“ button to restore the persona.

  4. Field restore confirmation pop up will be shown

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