Schema Tab


Schema Tab

We, as tenant administrators, have the ability to customize the schema. This involves accessing the settings and schema to manage fields related to users, members, and persona associations. Additionally, we will delve into the intricacies of field usage and its associations with users, members, and personas. Our aim is to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to tailor the schema according to your specific data needs.

Admin can perform below action on this page -

  • Create new field

  • Associate field to Users

  • Associate field to Members

  • Associate field to Personas

  • Archive or Delete a field

  • Restore a field

Steps to create new field

  1. Go to settings option under configure section and select schema tab


  2. Click on Add Field button to create a new field

  3. On new field form you are prompted to enter below details - 

    1. Label - Label is the name of the field for example “Birthdate”

    2. Description - Description of a fields can be very valuable to provide a brief description and explanation of the purpose of the field, for example “Birthdate is used to identify a person and prevent duplicates. Dates provided by government issued identification should be used at all times“

    3. Type - Field Type defines the format that information must be in to ensure its accuracy, for example “Date“ type will be most suitable format to capture “Birthdate“

    4. Sort Order - Sorting refers to ordering the field in an increasing or decreasing manner according to some other fields on schema page. Fields will be sorted from highest to lowest. For example 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 are arranged in descending order.

    5. Association with Users - Associated with users means when user details is captured than this field will be one of the fields along with other details.

    6. Association with Members - Associated with member means when a member is associated with a persona than this field will be captured along with other details.

    7. Association with Personas - Associated with persona means when a persona is created this field will be available in schema field to be added in the form if required.

  4. Click Save button or Save icon to save the details.

  5. Successful field creation message will be shown and user will be directed to the schema tab.

  6. Field card will be created and shown on the schema page.


Associate field to Users

Associated with users on schema add form means when user details is captured on users tab than this field will be one of the fields along with other details.

Follow below steps to associate a field to users-

  1. Click on the field card created on the schema tab, the field modification form will open

  2. On field modification form click on the tick box in front of “Associate with Users”.

  3. After clicking on tick box in front of “Associate with Users” two other tick box will be shown “Read-only“ and “Required“.

  4. As clicked on “Read-only“ this field will be shown for the users but it will non editable.

  5. As clicked on “Required“ this field will be mandatory for the users to be captured.

  6. Click Save button or Save icon to save the changes.

  7. Confirmation message will be shown once schema field is updated and association tag will be shown on the field card.

  8. Field for example “Birthdate“ is associated with Users.

  9. Now “Birthdate“ field will be shown on the users tab while updating users details.

  10. “Birthdate“ field will be shown on the users form to be captured.

Associate field to Member

Associated with members on schema add form means that when member details are captured in the Member option on the menu, this field will be included along with other details.

Follow below steps to Associate a field to Member

  1. Click on the field card created on the schema tab, the field modification form will open

  2. On field modification form click on the tick box in front of “Associate with Members”.

  3. After clicking on tick box in front of “Associate with Members” two other tick box will be shown “Read-only“ and “Required“.

  4. As clicked on “Read-only“ this field will be shown for the users but it will non editable.

  5. As clicked on “Required“ this field will be mandatory for the users to be captured.

  6. Click Save button or Save icon to save the changes.

  7. Confirmation message will be shown once schema field is updated and association tag will be shown on the field card.

  8. Field for example “Birthdate“ is associated with Members.

  9. Now “Birthdate“ field will be shown on the Members option on menu while updating Members details.

  10. “Birthdate“ field will be shown on the Members detail form to be captured.

Associate field to Personas

Associated with persona means that once a persona is created, this field becomes available in the schema field section to be added to the persona form if necessary.

Follow below steps to Associate a field to Member

  1. Click on the field card created on the schema tab, the field modification form will open

  2. On field modification form click on the tick box in front of “Associate with Personas”.

  3. After clicking on tick box in front of “Associate with Personas” two other tick box will be shown “Read-only“ and “Required“.

  4. As clicked on “Read-only“ this field will be shown for the users but it will non editable.

  5. As clicked on “Required“ this field will be mandatory for the users to be captured.

  6. Click Save button or Save icon to save the changes.

  7. Confirmation message will be shown once schema field is updated and association tag will be shown on the field card.

  8. Field for example “Birthdate“ is associated with Personas.

  9. Now “Birthdate“ field will be shown on the Persona tab while adding a new persona.


  10. “Birthdate“ field will be shown on the Add Persona detail form to be captured.


Archive or Delete schema field

When a schema field is no longer usable, the Admin has the option to archive it. An archived field will not be accessible on any page in the Yunibas application, but its details will still remain in the database. The Admin holds the authority to either restore or permanently delete the field. Deleting a schema field results in the removal of its details from the database.

Steps to Archive a field

  1. Click on the “Archive“ button on the schema field card on Schema tab.

  2. Confirmation pop up will be shown on clicking Archive button.

  3. Click on the “Confirm“ button to archive the schema field.

  4. Schema field will be archived and confirmation message will be shown.

Steps to Delete a field

  1. Click on the “Show Archived“ toggle on the users tab.

  2. List of all archived field will be shown.

  3. Click on the “Delete“ button to delete the schema field.


  4. Confirmation pop up will be shown on clicking delete button.

  5. Click on confirm button to delete the schema field.

  6. Field delete message will be shown on delete the schema field.


Restore schema field

Upon restoring the schema field, the field will become active again and will be displayed on the Yunibas application based on its previous associations.

Steps to Restore schema field

  1. Click on the “Show Archived“ toggle on the users tab.

  2. List of all archived field will be shown.

  3. Click on the “Restore“ button to restore the schema field.

  4. Field restore confirmation pop up will be shown

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